College Credit Plus (CCP) permits high ability students in grades 7 through 12 to complete college coursework for high school and/or college credit. The University of Mount Union allows students to participate in CCP either on campus or at regional high school sites.
Students seeking admission into the College Credit Plus program must have at least a 3.0 GPA and demonstrate college readiness by meeting Mount Union’s admission standards and the Uniform Statewide College Readiness Standards. Mount Union determines college readiness in part by using ACT or SAT scores.
However, in response to COVID, the State of Ohio has provided the following accommodation:Colleges may use either the student’s scores on an assessment exam or the student’s unweighted high school cumulative grade point average (GPA) to determine eligibility. A minimum unweighted cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 is required. This flexibility item will continue to be reviewed to ensure that students have appropriate access to participate in the College Credit Plus program and additional guidance may be forthcoming. View the College Credit Plus resource to learn more about the flexibility and guidance for colleges and universities.
Students who wish to take courses in mathematics or take courses that have a mathematics prerequisite may also be required to complete the University’s math placement assessment to determine college readiness in mathematics. The University will accept placement scores through either Accuplacer or PlaceU.
Application Process for First-Time Students
*Returning students must contact their advisor for scheduling information.
Apply online for CCP at Mount Union, CCP at your high school, or both. The CCP calendar for each academic year begins with summer courses and ends with spring courses. To take summer courses, students must apply by April 15. To take fall courses, students must apply by June 15. For students wishing to start in the spring, applications must be submitted by December 1.
Have the following information ready:
Social security number
Selective Service Number for male students over the age 18
Your school counselor’s email
Your parent or guardian’s approval
Your statewide student identifier (SSID), located on your transcript
Your counselor will need to provide the following application materials:
Official high school transcript including verification of your SSID
Official ACT or SAT scores (may be included on official high school transcript or come from the test company), if available. The University will also accept placement scores through either Accuplacer or PlaceU. Mount Union has approved a test optional policy for students applying for admission to the University through the spring 2022 semester, temporarily suspending its requirement that applicants submit an ACT or SAT score.
Your parent or guardian will need to provide the following materials:
Sign and submit the mature content permission slip which will be provided upon at acceptance.
In addition, applicants must:
Have the approval of their parent or guardian and their school counselor (part of the CCP application)
Be attending full-time at a high school in the State of Ohio or state approved home school
Complete their school district’s letter of intent to participate
Upon completion of the CCP application process, the Office of Admission will notify the applicant by email with a CCP admission decision and further instruction. A copy of the letter will be emailed to the high school counselor contact for CCP.
Parents or guardians will need to sign and submit the mature content permission slip which will be provided upon at acceptance. This permission slip must be completed in order for the student to enroll in college courses under the College Credit Plus program.
Student Advising and Course Registration
Course selection and registration instructions will be outlined in the CCP acceptance letter. Admitted CCP students may explore course options with the Mount Union CCP advisor. However, actual course registration will begin in late July/early August.
Students begin in CCP with Level I courses described below. We have developed multiple advising pathways for high school students interested in pursuing specific careers such as; nursing, engineering, and pre-medicine.
Required orientation for College Credit Plus students who will study on Mount Union’s campus will take place in early August each year. Information will be sent in June, via email, to College Credit Plus students enrolled for the coming fall.
Level I courses are courses considered transferable between public and private colleges and universities. These courses must meet the requirements of the College Credit Plus program and could be offered either on the campus of the University of Mount Union or on-site at local, partnering high schools. Students are generally required to complete at least 15 credit hours of Level I courses prior to registering for Level II courses. Classes on the Level I list may change by semester and certain courses could be added to the list, at the discretion of the Founding Dean of the College of Natural and Health Sciences and the University Registrar. To read more about CCP course eligibility, review the CCP Course Eligibility Summary resource guide from Please click on the buttons on the right-hand side to view pathway courses.
ENG 150H
True Lies: Introduction to the Literary Imagination
WRT 110
Introduction to Professional Writing
WRT 120A
Introduction to Creative Writing
EDU 150
Introduction to the Teaching Profession
EGE 110
Introduction to the Engineering Profession
Social Sciences
PSY 110S
The Psychological Sciences
SOC 100S
Introduction to Sociology
BUS 100
Introduction to Business
Computer Science
CSC 120
Programming and Problem Solving I
Natural Sciences
CHE 110N
Foundations of Chemistry
CHE 120N
Concepts in Chemistry
BIO 105
Elements of Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 140N
The Unity of Life
MTH 100
Intermediate Algebra
MTH 105
College Algebra
MTH 123
Elementary Statistics
MTH 140
MTH 141
Calculus I
MTH 142
Calculus II
Political Science
POL 100S
Be the Change: An Introduction to Public Service
POL 105S
US Politics in Crisis: American Government, Politics, and Society
POL 120S
Going Global: An Introduction to World Politics
HST 101H
Western Civilization I
HST 102H
Western Civilization II
HST 110
Asian Civilization
HST 206H
Nineteenth Century America
HST 290H
History of the Civil Rights Movement in the USA
World Languages
FRN 101
Elementary French I
FRN 102
Elementary French II
GRN 101
Elementary German I
GRN 102
Elementary German II
JPN 101
Elementary Japanese I
JPN 102
Elementary Japanese II
SPN 101
Elementary Spanish I
SPN 102
Elementary Spanish II
* Other introductory and specialty courses permitted on a case-by-case basis.
Any other active course that is not a Level I course, with approval of the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs and University Registrar. To read more about CCP course eligibility, review the CCP Course Eligibility Summary resource guide from
For information on the foreign language placement, please contact Jennifer Hall, department chair of world languages and cultures, at or (330) 829-6644.
Certain courses are not permitted, per the Ohio Department of Education:
One-on-one private instruction courses
Courses with fees that exceed the amount set by the ODE Chancellor
Study abroad courses
Physical education courses
Courses longer than a semester in length
Pass/Fail or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory graded courses
Remedial or Pre-college level courses
Sectarian religious courses
Math College Readiness Indicators
22+ Math
580+ Math
MTH 140 Precalculus
600+ Math
91+ Elementary Algebra
MTH 141 Calculus
650+ Math
102+ College Math
MTH 142 Calculus II
650+ Math
102+ College Math
Natural and Social Sciences Requirements
Natural and Social Sciences
BIO 140N Unity of Life
23+ Math
600+ Math
57-90 Elementary Algebra 20-30 College Math
BIO 105 Elements of Anatomy and Physiology
600+ Math
57-90 Elementary Algebra 20-30 College Math
CHE 110N Foundations of Chemistry
600+ Math
57-90 Elementary Algebra 20-30 College Math
CHE 120N Concepts in Chemistry
600+ Math
57-90 Elementary Algebra 20-30 College Math
POL 105S US Politics in Crisis: American Gov
940 (EBRW + Math)
5 on WritePlacer*
* If student does not have an Accuplacer test score for purposes of placement in POL 105S, the University will grant admission if student has a B average or better in social science classes.
If academic support is needed, students are to contact their course instructor. If additional support is needed, students must contact their Mount Union advisor. Also see “Academic Resources Handout”.
Transcripts and College Credit
For CCP students enrolled in classes at the university site, the Office of the University Registrar will provide official grades to the high school at the end of the academic term and official transcripts at the end of the academic year.
Full college credit will be awarded for all courses satisfactorily completed according to the University’s established requirements and procedures. Courses completed will be applied toward degree requirements should the student enroll at the University of Mount Union after high school graduation.
Withdrawal Deadlines
Courses dropped on or before September 17 (drop deadline) will disappear from the Mount Union transcript and there will be no adverse financial consequences. In this case, the student will not earn credit under College Credit Plus.
Courses dropped after September 17 and but no later than November 1 will receive a grade of “W” (withdraw) and can also have adverse financial consequences. Courses cannot be dropped after November 1. Students who remain registered for the course after November 1 will receive the letter grade earned (A – F).
Courses dropped on or before January 15 (drop deadline) will disappear from the Mount Union transcript and there will be no adverse financial consequences. In this case, the student will not earn credit under College Credit Plus.
Courses dropped after January 14 but no later than March 21 will receive a grade of “W” (withdraw) and can also have adverse financial consequences. Courses cannot be dropped after March 21. Students who remain registered for the course after March 21 will receive the letter grade earned (A – F).
Courses dropped on or before January 29 (drop deadline) will disappear from the Mount Union transcript and there will be no adverse financial consequences. In this case, the student will not earn credit under College Credit Plus.
Courses dropped after January 28 and but no later than March 21 will receive a grade of “W” (withdraw) and can also have adverse financial consequences. Courses cannot be dropped after March 21. Students who remain registered for the course after March 21 will receive the letter grade earned (A – F).
Please discuss any course withdrawals after the drop deadline with a high school guidance counselor to understand any financial consequences before making a change.